Policy changes to comply with Snohomish County phase restrictions and help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Services will be by appointment only, allowing for sufficient time to sanitize equipment and common areas.
- Outdoor sessions only until further notice. Exceptions will be made for newborn sessions.
- Only one client (family okay if everyone lives in the same home) at a time.
- Until further notice, indoor newborn sessions will be done in clients home. Photographer studio is currently closed.
Some services will be unavailable or modified due to phase restrictions in place at the time of your scheduled session:
- Immediate family only group sessions. Only those who live in the same household should gather for family photos. At
this time, we are unable to accommodate extended family sessions to comply with phase restrictions.
- Elopements will be allowed, only if less than 5 people are present.
- Weddings must comply with current government phase mandates at time of event.
Good Health Policy:
- Client(s), anyone living with clients and photographer should take their temperature the morning of the session. If
anyone has a temperature of or over 100.4 degrees F, then session should be postponed and rescheduled for
another date.
- If client(s), anyone living with clients or photographer has cold or flu-like symptoms day of, session must be postponed
and rescheduled for another date.
- If client(s), anyone living with clients or photographer have been around anyone who has tested positive for
COVID-19, session must be postponed and rescheduled for another date.
Anyone who is not actively in the photos while being taken must be wearing a mask (covering mouth AND nose), unless medically unable to do so. Photographer will be wearing mask the entire duration.
Sanitation Practices Performed by Everyone During Sessions:
- Everyone (client(s) and photographer) are to wash their hands BEFORE and AFTER photo sessions. Hand sanitizer will
be provided by photographer if soap and water is not readily available (ex: outdoors on location).